Flower of the Day: 28.11.2016 Mistletoe


Look what I saw today in the supermarket, and so I took a photo. It was then that I heard the assistant who works in the gardening department say “excuse me” talking to me. I turned and  she said that she just wanted to ask why I take photos of the flowers in her store. The manager apparently saw me and was wondering. I told her I take them for a Web site I am active in on the computer, but if there was a problem, I would naturally no longer take any photos (thought I would be brave about it 🙂 ) She was very nice and said in that case, there is absolutely no problem – so we departed friends and I continued taking photos. Did they think I wanted to kidnap a few flowers and hold them to ransom?

Anyhow I got away with my mistletoe photo, ready for Christmas and a few others. I suppose most of you know that mistletoe is actually a parasite and if the seeds arrive on a tree trunk they will grow their roots into the tree and begin to expand, with the result of a normal tree with mistletoe growing out of it. I live in mistletoe country it seems, and on an avenue near where I live there are many trees with mistletoe growing on them – see photo. So if you want to kiss someone, all you have to do is take a walk along the street and stand under the tree – the mistletoe works the magic.

Mistletoe in a tree

Flower of the Day: 28.11.2016 Mistletoe

14 thoughts on “Flower of the Day: 28.11.2016 Mistletoe

    • I sort of read it once, but here where I live it is the first time I had actually seen them growing as a parasite on the trees, It is quite fascinating.


    • That is the holly berries you mean. No, mistletoe have white berries from the beginning. Mistletoe is a chrsitmas thing here in Europe and used as decoration. The custom is that it brings luck or whatever if you kiss someone under a mistletoe branch. We have mistletoe at Christmas in England, but here where I live in Switzerland it was the first time I saw them growing on the trees.

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      • Oh so I got two things confused. Yeah I have heard of this tradition mostly through TV and YouTube. Cool thanks for clarification Mrs. A S.


  1. Here in Australia we have literally hundreds of species of mistletoe. While living in a remote desert community I learned that you can eat the berries of the Australian varieties. they are so sticky you have to ‘slurp’ them off the bush itself and swallow them whole! If you try and touch or chew them you end up covered in the sticky flesh which seems impossible to get off skin or clothing!

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    • We only seem to have one sort in Europe. I only knew it from the Christmas decorations in England and was astonished seeing them grow attached to some local trees in Switzerland. You only see them in Winter as they are hidden by the tree foliage in Summer.

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