Daily Prompt: We can be taught

What makes a teacher great? Being original, not repeating himself and capturing the interest of those that foillow. I am not going to waste a lot of words here, but one of the people I followed blogged this link today and for me it is interesting.

Occupy Daily Prompt

So let’s not beat about the bush. Whether this is something or nothing I don’t know, but I have decided that these daily prompts are not longer prompting me and I no longer have interest to appear on a second hand grid. WordPress don’t care, so why should I.

Do not fear I will be writing daily, but not in this place reserved only for newbies. If you want to see what I write and are following me, you will find me. Otherwise I will still be using the tag Daily Prompt, so you can find me in the Reader under that heading.

Life is too good and great to waste time I find.

See you all on the flip side and take care

We can be taught

14 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: We can be taught

  1. I’m republishing answers I’ve already written to prompts they’ve already published. I have more than 3200 archived posts. I might as well give them an airing. And there are other prompts elsewhere. I follow a bunch of them, not every day, but often enough to keep me from being promptless. I follow what you write — will follow you — no matter where you go. You can run, but you cannot hide 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • No problem Marilyn, I don’t think I can run any more, my legs won’t carry me so fast. This morning I made an effort to clear away the bird seed husks from the garden. It nearly killed me, thank goodness for the gardener. He will be arriving soon with his merry men and I can watch him.


  2. I remember way back in the early 1980’s when studying my Bachelor of Business, one of the best tutors was the one who went back out into the workforce every few years and then came back to teaching. He related real life experiences to what was a highly boring subject that made it all the more interesting.

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  3. Pingback: Over Due | litadoolan

  4. I’ll have to go back and read the instructions for Daily Prompt again. I thought they clearly stated that the Prompts are strictly voluntary, not “assignments” as such, and certainly NOT just for newbies.
    Sometimes a prompt does trigger and idea (in me anyway) that I can relate to and want to write about, But I know up front that 1) I can ignore the prompt if I want; and 2) what I write is up to ME, and 3) if I don’t want to write at all there is no pressure, no responsibility, no obligation.
    As for recycling old posts just to have fodder for the mill (is that a mixed metaphor?) that is not something I would rule out. However, the reason I am here blogging is that I need and want to get (back) into the habit of writing daily. This whole Word Press thing provides structure–its not just some way to spend my time. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • That is perhaps the problem. Many of us like to write daily, and the ideas fail us and so we enjoy a daily prompt to give us ideas and a reason for writing. Unfortunately many of us, as myself, do not only do this once in a while but regularly and we are the losers on this daily prompt carousel, there is nothing new for us. I personally do my own thing, so the actual idea of the “daily prompt” is no longer present in my blogging world. I enjoy writing and can do it without a daily prompt but many of us meet daily on the daily prompt page. It has become a sort of group where we know each other, exchange our ideas on “god and the world” a sort of WordPress within a WordPress.

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