Colour Your World: Bitter Sweet

Autumn Berries (2)

I almost had to give up on this one, so I fed the word berry into my online album and this one arrived. A photo I took last Autumn on one of my hikes with a camera and a stick. I think we call them “Vogelbeere” which would mean bird berries, because they are definitely not fit for human consumption, so I would not know if they were bitter or sweet, probably something in between.

Berries on a tree

And then I decided to explore further in my archives and what did I find? No idea what this is, but they could be red currents, but if the colour fits then go for it.

Colour Your World: Bitte Sweet

Colour your World – Bitter sweet

Nera drinking water from the toilet

Nera my feline, who left us for the etnernal corn chambers just over a year ago, was a water connoisseur. She knew where the sweetest water was in the apartment. Unfortunately she did not really understand the purpose of this water. If she had known the real reason behind the toilet I do not think it would have made a big difference, water is water. If you lead a feline to the water it will drink, if it is fresh enough and the bitterness of the choice makes no difference.

Colour your World – bitter sweet