Daily Prompt: Welcome to the computer zoo

Windows Update

I suppose it is my own fault, I have too many animals in my zoo. Most of the time they are sleeping. They breathe when you connect them to the electricity. I am looking at the window at the moment and what do I see. the animal is awakening, being fed with a new food called Windows 10 creator, because it is Fall, although I was sure it is now winter. It had this food once before. It digested it and it kept it inside its entrails, I did have a quick look to see if it was full of beneficial vitamins, we wll want our computers to thrive, grow and go places, perhaps even multiply.  I decided that creator was not my thing and so I kept it in a cage, never unleashed.

Today they are doing it again. It has given birth to part 2, another extension to the zoo. I can now have 3d animals in my world. Do not want them and have enough with the 3d animals in my real world. I can even animate them. There are many animals, known as politicians, which had better not been animated, so let sleeping animals lie, cannot use them. I have new emojis, emojis. Do I have room for them, what do they eat, and are they those silly things that are used for decorations. I have a smiley, who needs more. Oh, I have just seen you only get them with a US keyboard. We Brits again go home empty keyboarded, but who cares. My computer is now breathing quite regularly, taking deep breaths. I think it has an asthma attack, only another 10% to go, on the second installation.

I can now pin my new animal contacts to the task bar. It is a small task bar, I hope they have room. My animals will talk to me through Skype. Unfortunately I am not a follower of Skype. There was a time when Skype had its own cage, but I realised there were too many unknown animals prowling around, the call of the wild. I cast them out into the wilderness.

I can pin sites I use frequently: been there and done that without this new update in my zoo. I can now talk instead of type. I talk enough when I am not on the computer. They are all glad when I am quiet. Another animal I will not be needing. I can fix a letter without starting over – do what? Oh, I need a digital pen, never had one and never wanted one.

It is now closing time at the Winows zoo, I have seen all I want to see. I have got a delivery of many new animals, but I will not be taking them for walks. They will stay in their cages and sleep. In the meanwhile there is a new start. If I no longer appear today, you know the animals have eaten me.

Windows update

“The update for Windows 10 is being configured – 100% completed – do not swich off the computer”

Daily Prompt: Welcome to the computer zoo