FOWC with Fandango: Paramount

I probably took this photo from the television some time at the beginning of the 20th century when the Swiss qualified for the World cup, although qualification did not mean that they actually won the cup. However, they have now qualified for the European Cup in the finals with the last eight teams so do have a chance to win the tournament. It would be nice, but I do not think so. There are too many other good teams that have qualified, but you never know. All I can say in our Swiss Phrase is “HOPP SCHWEIZ”.

FOWC with Fandango: Paramount

RDP Monday: Rally

Once a year we have a Swiss cycle race through our country. The route varies, but once they decided to come through our town, even through our village and on the road near to our apartments. My neighbour told me, and so there I was poised on the side of the road with my camera in my hand waiting for them to arrive. I must have been waiting about half an hour and then they began to approach. First of all some motor bikes and suddenly they were there. I think in a minute they were through the village, but what an experience – the best cyclists from Europ9e.

RDP Monday: Rally