FOWC with Fandango: Candelabra

Not something to be found in my apartment – no room and it would probably pull the ceiling down. However, if you are looking for a caldelabra, then have at look what you have in the photos from the local castle. Exactly, our Castle Waldegg, on the other side of the road in our village, I found a candalabra. Probably not from the last century, but even the castle people have to modernise now and again.

FOWC with Fandango: Caldelabra

FOWC with Fandango: Cemetery

I know it is not exactly a cemetery, but it is Mr. Swiss relaxing in a cafe in Vienna recovering from the eternal tours of the the cemeteries in a town which has the largest cemeteries in Europe. The poor man was patient letting his wife perform one of her favourite pasttimes, visiting cemeteries, and I suppose he deserved a relxing hour away from the dead and the monuments.

Otherwise not wanting to disappoint, here is the tomb of the last Kaiser of Austria, Franz Joseph, together with his wife on the left (known as Sissi, who was assisnated) and his son (who committed suicide).

And here is one of the local cemetery, to show that I not only visit the graves in other parts of Europe.

I could include a few views of the three cemeteries to be found in Paris, France but It would be a record sized blog eventurally.

And to finish it all off, here is the remains of our family grave, going back to my grandfather, who was the last to be buried here. Unfortunaltey the grave no longer exists, (probably no room more for anyone else) but I did take this photo many years ago when I was still a teenager, which is the only record now of its existance.

FOSC with Fandango: Cemetery

RDP Thursday: Relic

Our town of Solothurn is one of the oldest, if not the oldest town in the country. It is full of relics. Every time the authorities decide to dig for a new building, they discover that someone had already done the same a few hundred years before. I remember when they found the foundations of a roman villa.

Even in the golden oldie home where Mr. Swiss now is, they have a church with a few relics on the roof. The church is still used now and again, and they even have services for the inhabitants of the senior home, although being roman catholic not our religion.

RDP Thursday: Relic

RDP Tuesday: Blogging

I suppose everyone wants to blog now and again. At the beginning I did not even know what blogging was. I discovered that it was something similar to writing a composition at school and so I decided to have a go – about 40 years ago. Now I blog almost daily, sometimes with energy and sometimes not according to what I write about. We get suggestions from our various web sites. Now and again I have had enough and decide to end my blogging life. A few days later I return to see what the others are blogging a bout. and blogging life goes on. Yes, we have a small community of bloggers. And so blogging iife continues.

RDP Tuesday: Blogging