RDP Friday: Ambivalent

I was thinking about deleting my Facebook page. The whole concept is annoying and it is a non existant world. Why am I there? The stupid remarks that people make in their make-believe world: silly pictures, advertisements and stupid jokes. We seem to have a world filled with various dogs and cats dressed as humans and I must admit I often do not understand the jokes, so stupid.

On the other hand my school has a page there and now and again I see a face from the past, and discover what my long gone school friends are now up to. We were at school together up to the age of 18, and now we are all approaching the age of eighty, those of us that are still here.

However. it it time to discard this childish past, and get on with today’s life. Yes and No. My finger was on the buttton that said delete, but my brain was not ready yet. I wish I had never started this part of social media. In the meanwhile I will continue to spy on the develoments of my online friends – friends? I do not think so, I have never met them. The only thing we have in common is belonging to Facebook.

RDP Friday: Ambivalent