FOWC with Fandango: Telephone

How many of us have a telephone like this one on the desk? Probably not many, and this one is also only a decoration. I was clelaring rubbish away and this came into my hands. I decided to keep it, and now it is sitting on a desk in the room where I deal with my office chores. Of course it is no longer attached and even our old telephone number is visitble on the dial, although I now only have my mobile phone, and the number no longer exists. However, it brings back memories and I remember when we proudly got this colourful telephone.

It seems as if it was only yesterday when we had this at home in use. Today we are confronted with a device that seems to do everything, you just have to be careful to record all the various codes you need to operate it.

Today I was on the phone to my computer guy about half an hour. My computer provider, HP, did an update meaning a few programmes needed to have the passoword re-entered, one being iCloud. Of course I had registered the password, but it did not work. I tried to change it to a new password, but to no avail. Eventually my computer guy helped me out of the patch. He took over my computer and together we did it. Today just being a housewife is not enough, you have to be a computer expert. I now have a new password for iCloud and have recorded it for perhaps a future exercise. Telephones are no longer just telephones, Apple seems to control them with their passwords.

FOWC with Fandango: Telephone