FOWC with Fandanago: Captivated

The sails seem to be captivated with ny garden at the moment. We have been have a mixture of weather, basically it is OK, but we have our daily rain showers, which the snails and slugs just seem to love. They avoid the showers, but as soon as they stop they are out to enjoy the puddles and wet objects, I do not mind the snails, they just do their snail act. The slugs are less my thing, but I noticed you can just pick them off the leaves, although it seems it can cause a tear in their sensitive skin leading to a fatality: the result being that I just leave them to their sluggy life. .

RDP Friday: Drive-Thru

I remember well the days when I was a working woman and had to drive through town from the village where I worked to get home, It was late afternoon, early evening when everyone was going home. It was not far, but the five minute journey usually took at least half an hour, sometimes an hour according to the road works. Now I ride my scooter as I am no longer mobile, and even drive on the sidewalks. I now overtake them all.