Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Entrances and Doors


The door is closed, and where is the lift?

Dad's 100th Birthday

Just a simple wooden door, but it belonged to my dad’s appartment where he lived in his care home. He was 100 years old and could no longer hear so well. If he had a visitor they would read the notice on his door: a memory of dad.

A Swiss train

The doors of a Swiss train for 1st Class.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Entrances and Doors

5 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Entrances and Doors

  1. I relate to your dad’s door notice. If I’m not home, Garry will not hear the phone or the doorbell … or someone knocking. Unless the dogs are barking … but since they bark for a lot of reasons that may not alert him to the presence of another human being.

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  2. Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge-Entrances-and-Doors – WoollyMuses

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