RDP Saturday: Placid

Just floating along and not caring – more placid does not happen.

Othwerwise not so placid today. It was a busy week, dealing with a power outage for an afternoon, but everything was OK afterwards, and so I took the opportunity to defrost my refrigerators. I have two, one is to keep my medicine that I have to inject every second day for my MS, not that it works miracles, but better than nothing I suppose. I also have a deep freeze chest in the cellar, but that took care of itself for the few hours is was switched off. Living alone with my son I make sure that we will not starve. The problem would be the few weeks in Winter when the snow and ice arrives, but up to now everything OK. We do not live in the alps luckily.

I was busy getting a few items in the stores. I now have a new system as the online shopping site in the local supermarket no longer exists, and I now have to order online from the central headquarters. It is OK, but they seem to have a thing with bio food, which I do not have. I do not pay twice as much for special biological freit and veg. I am now 76 years old and survived up to now with normal food, but suddently we have to eat special produce from nature. Is it all psychology as far as I am concerned, so I suppose the worms and beetles live healthier in the cabbage and carrots.

Actually I suppose it has a good side. I am out and about a little more, the store is only five minutes along the road with my scooter and living in a quiet village and the surroundings, there is always plenty of space to move around. I still order the heavy stuff online and taking it all into account, it even seems I am saving money. Another advantage being on the way to the golden oldie home where Mr. Swiss is, so I can pop in for a visit on my way.

Amd now to cook a chicken for the evening meal in my new air fryer which is the best gadget I have bought. It is a first with a chicken, but I now have the trick with the airfryer. I now make my own fries with real potatoes and no longer buy the frozen fries. It is not extra work so much and the result is perfect.

And that is enough of my dribble for today. I am aloe at home at the moment, No. 1 son is in town but will be back for the evening meal soon.

RDP Saturday: Placid

RDP Saturday: Placid

A placid view of our local River Aare. It is not always so placid, but mostly. On its way it passes not so placid places as our Kanton Solothurn, but it behaves quite well here. There are even expert swimmers that swim their way from our town of Solothurn to Bern which is about 45 Kilometres: apparently the good swimmers can do it in half an hour.

RDP Saturday: Placid