Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: 2016 Week 39

Feldbrunne to Langendorf 30.09 (5)

Why on earth did  take this photo I was thinking when I uploaded it? I then remembered, we were just leaving our estate and I saw this crow sitting in front of the garbage container. Was he hoping that someone might open the container so that he could go on a discovery journey to feed the wife and kids – no not kids, there is a whole tribe of crows living in the opposite trees. Had I had the camera with the zoom lens, the crow might have been more in detail. On the other hand, who needs to see more. The crow was waiting and hoping and this was just a moment in time.

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: 2016 Week 39

Share Your World – 2016 Week 39

A class you wish you would have taken?

Russian – but I caught up with it after school in evening classes at the age of 48 – it is never too late and stayed in the course for 12 years. Ты говоришь по-русски?

5 Russian presidents


Name something you wish you could like

I will try anything, no problem.


What’s your favorite comic figure and why?

Garfield – He is Tabby’s hero (my cat) – This is Roschti, the neighbour’s cat.


Tell me about your first crush / first date / first kiss.

And have Mr. Swiss reading all about it on this challenge – no way. There are certain things I keep to myself. George Clooney got married but I did hear that Brad Pitt is free again – it is never too late.


Who was your best friend when you were 10?

I met my best friend a year later in my first class at high school. She is now godmother to my No. 2 son and we still write. She was my biggest support in England when my father was in a nursing home and we still keep in contact.  She was not my best friend, she is my best friend.


What sign are you? Do you believe in astrology?

Saggitarius, but I do not believe a single word about astrology. The planets move according to their gravitational pull or whatever and not because a couple of half human-animals with strange names make decisions about the future. When my No. 1 and 2 son were born, Mr. Swiss was already working out ascendents and whatever to do with their birthdates and me – I was glad I had it behind me, recovering from the births and really did not have the time or desire to work out what the planets, asteriods, stars and whatever were doing in the sky.


What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?  

That the weather cooled down and it rained and that I am now a profi with giving myself injections. That I manage an hour walk without any problem and today I managed another walk.Yes I can do it, thank goodness for MS research and the results.

Share Your World – 2016 Week 39