FOWC with Fandango: Precise

I had to buy a new set of sales for weighing as the old ones were kaput.

I am very precise with my cooking. It is only myself and my son, and I hate having silly remainders of food in packets, so I weigh everything before cooking it. If I have a 1 kilo paket of rice, for example, I decide that cooking it for 3 meals would be ideal, so I divide 1 kilo into 3, making 333 grammes per serving more or less. It works well and after 3 meals with the rice I start a new paket. It is the same with pasta. That is usually 500 grames. I then serve twice from the paket, weighing 250 grames per meal, meaning that the pasta is enough for two meals. I do not skimp or save, just do a logical division to get the most our of our food, and we always have enough. My son always eats everything so there are never any leftovers.

FOWC with Fandango: Precise