FOWC with Fandango: Embodiment

The golden oldie home where Mr. Swiss now is originated as a hospital in the middle ages for contaigious diseases, but today it is for the senior citizens. It has been in existence for many years and there are still some older relics of the days gone by. This cupboard has now found a place on a staircase, and still in use. I find it quite quaint and still has a certain amoiunt of charm

FOWC with Fandango: Embodiment

RDP Monday: Clutch

The only thing I clutch at these days is mainly a comfortable chair as my balance is no longer as good as it was. Here I was relaxing in the grounds of the golden oldie home visiting Mr. Swiss. Applying the clutch in a car is now forbiden for me, according to the law when I drove over a red light a couple of years ago, and I believe I have even forgotton why a clutch was necessary in a car. I was driving a automatic in the last few years of my driving experience, which had no clutch.

RDP Monday: Clutch