FOWC with Fandango: Slimy

Some are more slimy than others. This is a less slimy one, with his protective shell. It was climbing up a wall, encouraged by the monsoon rains we have been having lately-

However, slugs are the real kings of slime. Who needs a house on your back when you can just cling to the leaves and stalks and slime your way forward. Try to get rid of them. You can of course let them drown in beer, which seems to be a preferred beverage for them. I just take my courage in my hand and pick tbem off and throw them as far as possible. Of course a certain amount of slime remains on my hands, but soap removes it well. I hate the slimy monsters, but luckily when it no longer rains they disappear.

FOWC with Fandango: Slime

RDP Sunday: Rise

The sun is rising as it does usually every morning, although not always so spectacular. Often the clouds hide the event. Generally I get a good picture of it towards the end of Winter.

However, it is not only the sun that rises. I used to bake my own bread almost daily. I had the routine and it worked well for all of us. I would mix the pastry with yeast and leave the pastry to rise. Afterwards beat it down again and again leave to rise in the baking form. I had the routine, no problem, That was when Mr. Swiss was still at home and my son and I and so it was worthwhile. Now with Mr. Swiss in his golden oldie home and only one son at home and I, it is no longer worth the work involved. Although it was probably economical, the oven had to be heated and the electrivity ca href=”osts were quite high.

RDP Sunday: Rise