FOWC with Fandango: Bottom

Here we see my feline Tabby, having an injection in her bottom at the vets. No big problem, although she did not have a choice.

However when you have to have an injection with a so-called mixing syringe it gets a little more unpleasant. I have been doing this for the last eight years every second evening. It is for my MS problems, and although no cure or relief, it helps to stop the progress of the illness, although over that we could have a discussion. I am not completely convinced. However, I get a powder (the actual medicine and I have to mix it with some sort of liquid (I think alcohol) in the injection and then in it goes – where. Yes not always in the same place as that could cause problems with the various parts of the body.

I register in all in my Iphone to know where the next injection should be: however:
stomach: right and then left side, every second evening
leg: right and left leg every second evening
arm: right and left arm, every second evening
and the bottom, right and left side, also every second evening

and then it all starts again. Obviously you get a few blue marks on the body, but all in the name of a good cause. The bottom is not so bad, as there is enough cushioning to ward off any problems.

I have spoken to my apecialist about stopping this theater, but he is not sure what the result would be, and neither am I. We tried it with tablets once, but that did not work, they did not agree with me.

No-one really knows anything about this complaint, but I am lucky to have a mild version. MS results that your body attacks itself.

    FOWC qith Fandango: Bottom