FOWC with Fandango: Flute

During the summer days our town become a small concert area for anyone that plays a music instrument. Some are good, some super and some – well they do their best. I saw this guy with his flute, he was OK as far as I could judge. My stepson played the flute for many years and was quite good. He took it up at school and he had his flute at home. I even managed to learn it myself, although that was many years ago. I could already play the recorder and piano, so it was not an impossible task, although you had to learn the technique with the lips and blowing into the intrument.

FOWC with Fandango: Flute

RDP Saturday: Portmanteau

My annual trip to London got to be a routine. I was visiting my family annually for at least 20 years, usually in November. At the beginning Mr. Swiss came with me and I took the kids as well. However, with the years it became a routine and I did it on my own – more duty than a holiday. I got used to the journey and I am sure I knew the route towards London, over France. Mr. Swiss would accompany me to the local railway station where I caught the train to Zürich airport. I would stay a week in London, mainly at my schoolfriends house when my dad was eventually in his senior home. Since dad passed away I have no close family in England, and it has been almost ten years since I left Switzerland. My mobility problems no longer allow for long journeys.

RDP Saturday: Portmanteau