FOTD 23rd MY 2024: Moss Rose

Nature does strange things sometimes. I have had red moss roses in my garden for a few years. They are reliable and return every year. However, this year there is one rose that decided to do something different. It is the only one that now has a different colour to the others and is showing itself with a white edge to the petals. Perhaps there might be more next year.

FOTD 23.05.2024: Moss Rose

FOWC with Fandango: Flame

It seems to be a fashion that everyone that has a garden must at some point grill their own meat. We did it as well- I always thought it was a man’s job to cook the meat, but it seems this is not always the case. We got our grill, nothing professional, just a small electric grill. We (I mean of course, me) did not want to mess around with lighting a fire and it suited us (me) although I noticed that cleaning the grill afterwards was also my work. After a few months the grill moved to the cellar and a few years later it no longer existed. I think at some point it was thrown into the rubbish collection.

Of course, all my neighbours had their grills and Sunday was usually the day when the aroma of fires burning and noises of meat sizzling was normal. There were flames everywhere. Not everyone is so qualified to grill and the grill in the photo belongs to our neighbour. She lives alone, but made her grill invitations. It seemed to me she had problems with the grill, and I never saw or smelt anything being cooked: it was just various flames. I think she gave up the idea eventually. We women just are not gifted to grill it seems. Although my husband was also not such a keen follower.

FOWC with Fandango: Flame

RDP Thursday: Picture Book

I am a bit of a cloud lover. I like to take photos of them, and their shapes and colours I find fascinating. One day I decided to join the Cloud Appreciation Society. It is centered in England and so I sent my subsciption. I got a few samples and the two books shown above. This was a few years ago. I got a photo – a cloud a day, and I still have the books. However, eventually I left the group, but I still have the books.

RDP Thursday: Picture Book