RDP Sunday: Survivor

My blind cat Fluffy, was a survivor. He had an accident when he was about 2 years old, resulting in losing his sight. We do not know what happened, but he found his way home somehow and we saw what had happened, so we went immediately to the vet. The vet did his best but he had lost his sight. However, being a feline, he began to find his way around, probably by smell and noise and lived until he was approximately 12 years old. We would hang a harness on a pole outside attached to his collar and he could at least enjoy the outside. We had another two cats, but somehow they seemed to live together we no great problem.

RDP Sunday: Survivor

FOWC with Fandango: Survivor

This poinsettia is a survivor. Every year a neighbour gives me such a plant as a gift. As my birthday happens to be on St. Nicolaus Day, 6th December, it is a birthday gift for me. This plant arrived last year on 6th December and today it still has its wonderful red leaves, and even the green leaves. I only give it water when I notice that the earth is dry, and it seems to work. It is still thriving and surviving. I love this plant and hope it stays for the next couple of months when it should be warm enough to put it outside in the garden.

FOWC with Fandango: Survivor