FOWC with Fandango: Cruise

At the age of 18 I went on my first and only cruise organised by our school. Mum always found such holidays were too expensive for our working class budget, but I found a Saturday job and paid for it all myself. It was quite reasonable being a school cruise. We went with a British India ship full of sschool classed like ourselfves – all teenagers. I am not on the photo but my friends as I took the photo, Just to show how it was in 1966 with the fashions and being young and innocent. Where did we go? Yes, we were on our way to Leningrad via Stockholm, and Hesinki, returning via Denmark and also cut through the Kiel Canal. Yes it was quite an advanture, Leningrad being the highlight.

Of course, the Russians did not really trust us all and there were permanently two Red Army soldiers positioned at the gangplank to the ship to make sure none of us escaped 🙂

We even paid a visit to the Tsar Summer Palance with its wonderful fountains.

The entrance to Halsinki Harbour was also quite interesting.

And travelling through the Kiel Canal was also an experience not to be forgotten. It is a quick link from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea where we were heading to and an experience not to be forgtotten for us teenage London girls.

It was a journey never to be forgotten and when it was over we returned to the serious problems of working life as we girls were then finished with school and began our working life.

FOWC with Fandango: Cruise

10 thoughts on “FOWC with Fandango: Cruise

    • That was why I did all I could to go. I could never go on a trip from school because my parents just did not have the money, so I did it all myself. And Russia at that time was so interesting.

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