FOWC with Fandango: Magnetic

I have a new watch. It also has the time, but has my pulse on it and also measure the steps I take when I am wearing it. It is all connected with my safety precautions if I happen to fall, am unconscious, and it would send a signal (along with other gadgets I now have at home) showing that I would not be moving. It would make an automatic alarm in the central place where it is all elelctronically tracked. I had to do something, as I am generally alone all day until the evening and it is for me a safety precaution.

I remove it during the night and have to place it on a special magnetic holder where it uploads to 100% until the morning. We live a tecnical life today, but some things are quite positive. On the photo you cannot see everything it shows as I have it on the magnet, but during the day it is quite a source of infomation and naturally also shows the time electronically.

FOWC with Fandango: Magnetic

5 thoughts on “FOWC with Fandango: Magnetic

  1. wise decision. and obviously, you will wear it! which is not what my nearly 100yr old auntie did – i can‘t even tell you how many times i was racing to her flat because she either mishandled the smart watch or pressed the button because she fell!

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    • I always wear it during the day. Actually in a light moment, Mr. Swiss found I should do something. If something happens to him – 85 years old – he has enough people that care for him in the golden oldie home, but I have no-one, exdept for my son in the evening.

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  2. I got an Apple watch a few years ago for this very reason. I love it even when I think it’s kind of absurd and Dick Tracy to go around with a computer on my wrist! It’s a very good safety tool. I’m glad you got this.

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