RDP Monday: Older

This was my dad on his 100th birthday reading his telegram from the Queen. If you apply it is normal that she sends a card with congratulations on that occasion. My dad saw a lot in his life: fought in the second world war in Italy, Palestine, Egypt and eventually landed in Germany although the fighting was then finished. Eventually he returned home on Friday and got married on the foillowing Sunday after not seeing his wife to be for five years, being away in the war.

Daily life then returned, working on the railway at the beginning, afterwards in the cigarette factory where they made the Kensitas cigarettes and eventually worked for the Ford motor company until he retired at the age of 65. Unfortunately mum passed away ten years later, but he managed OK although his only daughter was living then in a country many kilometers away in Switzerland.

He eventually moved to a senior home at the age of 92 where he stayed until he passed away at the age of 100 years and 7 months.

And now it will be my turn one day. My husband is now in a golden oldie home at the age of 85. He forgets a lot now, although no cause for concern. I am now 77 years old and still manage to live at home taking care of all the finances and rules and regulations of life, but one day my time will come, as my husband. I just like to keep notes of things I forget on my iPhone – modern life in this day and age. It is the way of life and nothing can change it. We accept it and hang on when and if we can. I think part of keeping my wits about me is perhaps also a little to do with writing here daily.

RDP Monday: Older

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