FOTD 1st June 2024: Rose

This is my climbing rose, and this year it is doing itself proud and climbing everywhere, showing many bunches of buds that are flowering constantly.

8 thoughts on “FOTD 1st June 2024: Rose

      • I don’t know how ‘vote’ got in my first reply, but I guess you realised I meant chop. Mine doesn’t produce well and makes picking fruit a hazard.


        • Does it get pruned while dormant for winter? The most common problem that I encounter with roses is that they do not get pruned aggressively enough. Pruning stimulates more vigorous vegetative growth for the following season, which blooms more prolifically. (Of course, some bramble roses bloom only once for spring, without much subsequent bloom for summer.)


          • I think it might be in the latter category, although I prune it harshly each year, as a climber. I think it’s a papa meilland although the colour has faded.

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          • It was touted as an upright vigorous tea rose, but perhaps the not-so-reputable source from which I got it did a switch. For me it has always been spindly and sprawling in any situation and so I currently train it on one of our fences. Any blooms are so heavy they nod down, looking dejected rather than joyous. Digging it up takes several years as it keeps returning. It might meet its end this year.

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