FOWC with Fandango: Intermission

My life is organised by various intermissions currently, mainly the weather. It is end of May, next week June, and you would think that the nice sunny t-shirt weather would now be here. Weather when you can go out without a raincoat, or pull your hood up to protect the head from a rain flattened hair style, but no way. We are currently living in the European monsoon season. Everyone talks about the earth warming up, but no-one talks about the earth submerging in constant rainfalls.

Being imobile I depend on my scooter to get to places. However its motor is allergic to wet weather and I have no protection from the continuous “raindrops keep falling on my head” syndrome, so I have no choice but to stay at home. Shopping is not a great problem, as I can order online, but there are certain groceries that I like to pick and choose myself in the store.

Although Mr. Swiss is only around the corner in his golden oldie home, I have not even been able to get out to see him. Everytime the sun breaks through I get ready, and when I am ready it rains again. I have only seen him once this week. OK, I can manage with that, and so can he, but I prefer to be free in my movements.

In the meanwhile I can look in my garden how the leaves have their raindrop patterns. This is really one intermission that is very irritating to say the least.

FOWC with Frandango: Intermission

7 thoughts on “FOWC with Fandango: Intermission

  1. We seem to have the same weather. We had two nice days in a row and today it’s chilly with cold rain coming down. We used the air conditioners for one night and turned them off since then. It ought to be summer or summer-like at least.

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