RDP Tuesday: Change

No change here, the same old rain has returned with a vengence, although I suppose I should be glad that it isn’t snow, although it seems to be quite cold. Temperatures are actually warm for this time of the year, but there is a cold wind blowing. Even the mice have left my garden cupboard and found something better somewhere I hope.

We have been keeping warm with food over the New Year. Yesterday it was a piece of ham and cooked red cabbage and potatoes and today I concocted a bit of a chinese vegetable mix with chickpeas and chicken. My son seemed to enjoy it all, although he always eats everything on his plate.

In the evening we manage with some cold meat dishes, from the supermarket. They have a few specialities at this time of the year – meat pies which I like to serve with pickles and Cumberland sauce.

I will be glad when these end of year changes are finished and life returns to normal. What did Mr. Scroooge say? Christmas “Bah Humbug” and he was right.

RDP Tuesday: Change