Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise

Tell us about a time when someone had you completely fooled, where the wool was pulled right over your eyes and you got hoodwinked, but good. Was it a humorous experience or one you’d rather forget? What was the outcome?

Sky over Felbrunnen

I really do not know what to say, I am (exceptionally) at a loss for words. That one of my dear friends nominated me for this well-deserved award. This was such a surprise. I really did not expect this. Of course I had invested hours of gifted writing talent over the past year, relentlessly fighting against feelings of sleep and hunger, knowing that my perseverance would be rewarded. You mean that someone is fooling me, playing a trick, that this award does not exist? Oh, people can be so mean (and jealous), but this award now exists on my famous, well-known, spectacular never-to-be-forgotten blogging site. It leaves its mark in the international blogging world. If you wish to be present when I receive this award of recognition (known as The Blogger) I will inform as soon as I know where it will take place. I believe somewhere in Silicon Valley, but am not sure.

In the meanwhile I will entertain you with a few hoax reports I have spotted lately in this cyber world. Did you know there was a spider as large as a house wall somewhere in a small town in the States. The inhabitants now lock themselves in their houses, frightened to take a step outside. It is true, I saw it. Where? On facebook of course, Some say it is a fluke of nature, other say a fluke of Photoshop.

I saw a report yesterday in connection with the plane that has been reported missing on its way from Malaysia to China. Now Mrs. Angloswiss is not going to join in the competition to guess where it is. I find it distasteful with respect to the people still waiting for news of what has happened. It even seems that telephones are/were ringing belonging to the missing people. Seas have been searched and everyone seems to be at a loss for an answer. Someone in the false world of Facebook had a report on their site/wall that proof has now been found that this missing plane with the over 200 passengers is in the Bermuda Triangle. You are invited to click for more.

I would advise against clicking on anything in Facebook with such strange reports. I did once, just out of curiosity. I cannot remember what it was: some sort of strange video beginning with the title “Oh my god” and continuing with “You must have a look”. My advice do not have a look, you will disappear into a web spun to trap you, the only way out is to press a yes and then it happens. The video spreads it tentacles to your site and all your friends receive it in your name. Not too bad, I did not get a virus, and my computer survived. I am glad to say most of my colleagues in Facebook took pity and remarked that it was not something they expected from me and I was definitely spammed.

Otherwise I do not remember being tricked by anyone at any time. I have such a dry, ironic, strange humour that probably people just do not bother. I remember when I was working we had one of those Christmas meals in a restaurant with the boss. He was one of those people that loved I, me and myself and had the feeling that he was God’s gift to woman. We brought small candles with us that you can light, but never extinguish. They just light up again. We gave them to the waitress and told her to put one in his ice cream, which she did. The first thing he did before digging his spoon into the coup vodka (or something like that) was to blow the candle out, which ignited itself again and again and again. After five minutes of blowing candles out, he almost believed it was possessed. He might have been god’s gift to womankind, but he was always a bit slow on the uptake. Oh we had fun on that evening.

So now to have a look in my calendar to see if I am free on the 31st September: it seems that is the day when my Lifetime Blogging Award will be presented. It would of course be appreciated if you could perhaps organise a few banners to show “Up with Mrs. Angloswiss”, “Mrs. Angloswiss forever” and “We knew she could do it”. Badges will be distributed at the entrance with my WordPress web address to ensure a regular public for my daily Blogging efforts.

Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise

Disguised Pingbacks

  1. Bus Route & The Daily Prompt | The Jittery Goat
  2. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | The Road Less Travelled By
  3. Disguise | The Land Slide Photography
  4. Boundaries and Abuse | ALIEN AURA’S BlOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  5. Need A New Escape Plan | Exploratorius
  6. DP Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | Sabethville
  7. Day 73: The Body Is A Brilliant Disguise | The Sacred Architecture of Here and Now
  8. The Dancer | My Little Avalon
  9. Surprise! | meanderedwanderings
  10. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  11. The Jokester | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  12. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise « Mama Bear Musings
  13. The Prankster gets Punked | The Ravenously Disappearing Woman
  14. Hoodwinked
  15. A genetic whatsit containing a pretty low gullibility factor | thoughtsofrkh
  16. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise-Psychiatryc Side of Ego and Foolishness | Journeyman
  17. There’s No Foolin Me! | Musings | WANGSGARD
  18. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | imagination
  19. happy fortieth birthday to me | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  20. Brilliant Disguise: My Old School | A Blog of One’s Own
  21. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  22. The Race?? [Porch Story #3] | Sitting on the Porch
  23. Growing Up Irish Under False Pretenses
  24. Irony of a Smile | Musings of a Menopausal Maven
  25. Knowing Me and Knowing You | Losing It
  26. Con Artists Are Everywhere | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  27. Demon | shame
  28. You left me with a hole in my balloon of awe « psychologistmimi
  29. You live and learn | Long Winding Road
  30. Got Me Good… | Life Confusions
  31. I Pulled the Wool Over My Own Eyes | Random Words
  32. Word of mouth disguise | Le Drake Noir
  33. Oh typical american food store! | Random & Real
  34. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise « the barren page
  35. A Pleasant Surprise | Flowers and Breezes
  36. The only solace being, the secret remained | Outreach
  37. Tricking the Heart | snapshotsofawanderingheart
  38. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | DukkSheit Happens……….
  39. Tastes Like Chicken | …Properly Ridiculous…
  40. There is Something about Mary in the Deep South: My Alternate Persona « psychologistmimi
  41. Devils in Disguise | Views Splash!
  42. Taken in by the Best | Virginia Views
  43. Daily Prompt: Have a Pleasant Afternoon | Blackbird’s Nest
  44. A Deceiving Low-Down Dirty Deceiver | I Didn’t Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving
  45. Beneath the mask | vic briggs
  46. Hot Air | Kate Murray
  47. DP Challenge – Brilliant Disguise | hometogo232
  48. Brilliant Disguise: Daily Post | Destino
  49. Howard the Good | The Zombies Ate My Brains
  50. Vermin | zaphnathpaaneah
  51. Sucker! | Trucker Turning Write
  52. Lockers, Lasers, and the Great Prank War (Daily Prompt) | Thinking Diagonally
  53. My hustle that never quite happened | The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project”
  54. Nightswimming | My Days In A Song
  55. Daily Prompt: Disguise | That Montreal Girl
  56. Daily Prompt: Hoodwinked, fool me once… | @ The West Gate
  57. Brilliant Disguise – Pretending to be a friend | Purplesus’ Blog
  58. Riding in the Backseat | Wiley’s Wisdom
  59. I Thought I Knew What I Was Getting | 365 Days of Thank You
  60. The Best Kind of Fooled | The Shotgun Girls
  61. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  62. Brilliant Blue | Overcoming Bloglessness
  63. Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise | Basically Beyond Basic
  64. “You’re Dad’s a Made Man!” | djgarcia94