RDP Sunday: Stuff

I suppose it all began about 4 years ago, when Mr. Swiss moved to his golden oldie home and I was left with stuff everywhere, realising that no-one wanted the stuff. And do I began to destuff my home. This is now the laundry room with a washing machine and a deep freezer chest. There is also my supply of washing ingredients and I can hang my washing to dry in this room. There is space everywhere-

The next attack was the cellar. This was full of stuff, so much that it took at least three years to clear it all away, but now it has gone. The stuff that is now there is not stuff, but all has a purpose. I can now show my stuffless cellar and I can even leave the door open just to let it get its share of fresh air. No-one will bother to take anything, after all we all have cellars full of unnecessary stuff.

Everyone congratulated me, even Mr. Swiss, on one of this seldom visits. I mean who can use a 98 or 95 Windows version amongst other such stuff. My cleaning angel, Lucia, once piled everything unwanted in her car and a few hours later it was all gone, recycled, or whatever. And now no more stuff please.

RDP Sudnday: Stuff