The Last Easter Bunny

Easter bunny
Not exactly the last, but he was the only one that was made of black chocolate without lactose and reduced in price. He was originally 5.80 Swiss Francs, but I managed to grab him for 2.90 Swiss francs because he was now only half of the value.

It is a sad fate for the easter bunnies and chocolate eggs left on the shelf after the easter holidays are over. No-one spares a thought of those neglected chocolate easter bunnies sitting on the shelves.

“Hey Fred, no-one bought you as well.”

“Not me Joe, they all went for the lady bunnies with the pink bows around their necks.”

and chocolate tears spread a melted pattern on their bodies, it was a sad day for Fred and Joe and the other remainders.

Yes that is the fate of an unwanted easter bunny. Mr. Swiss and I were examining the Easter leftovers with the 50% reduction ticket and it was then that I saw a unique example of a non-milk chocoate easter bunny, one of the plain chocolate examples. I have a lactose allergy and am diabetic, but eating chocolate does not have such a bad effect as drinking milk or eating milk chocolate. This easter bunney had a marking on his plastic in the three main Swiss languages translated in english to “no lactose” and half the price.

Whilst Mr. Swiss had decided on a packet of miniature easter eggs wrapped in shiny silver paper with easter designs, I decided on this easter bunny. Yes, that day I made a left over bunny that no-one wanted, had ignored even, happy. He is now sitting in my fridge as a headless easter bunny. I always begin at the head. He did not even scream when I removed his head as he was born to be eaten, it was his fate.

A few years ago I was shopping in the supermarket on easter Saturday half an hour before closing, the easter shopping finally finished. It was then that a neutral voice over the loudspeaker announced that from now on all remaining easter edible articles were reduced to half price. There was a mass movement towards the remainders of Easter and grabbing hands took what they could.

What we bought were the remainders of the remainders. No-one really wants a lactose free bunny and miniature chocolate easter eggs are more for the golden oldies in any case. You can munch them better and do not have to tear them apart with your teeth, if they are still working.

This was eventually the end of the Easter holiday and the last Easter bunny has reached his destination.