FOWC with Fandango: Fluctuation

My fluctuations in the apartment are now being watched. I now have sensors in every room and my movements will be registered. This afternoon the guy arrived and did the necessary. Is big brother now watching me? No, of course no, but these steps have been found necessary due to my MS problem. It could be that I have an accident at home during the day, and as I am alone no-one would notice. Now if I make no movement in the apartment for a certain amount of time – like a day – it will be noticed and someone will come a have a look. The guy explained it all to me and I now also wear a special watch registering my heartbeat and temperature which finds me whereever I am. Such is modern science I suppose. I have no cameras watching me, just the sensors registering my movments.

I even have a special sensor on the door to the apartment. I am now cyber woman.

FOWC with Fandango: Fluctuation

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