FOWC with Fandango: Roomy

This is a second part of yesterday’s write, about my hedge trimming problem which is now solved. Everyone warned me not to do it myself, due to my mobility problems and the danger which it will incur. Today I had a visit from my son, his wife and my grandchildren. I asked son No. 2 of his experience with a hedge cutter, and he told me absolutely none. His wife then asked to see the hedge cutter. In a few seconds she fitted it all together and gave me a demonstration – what a wonderful person. I asked my son how come he had no idea and he told me he had never used a hedge cutter, unlike his wife who had experience.

And so my hedge cutting problem is almost solved. In the meanwhile I had contact with my household help who is also a gifted person and when she arrives on Tuesday morning we will examine the problem. My daughter in law said she plans on a visit in September on a Saturday and will cut the hedge herself then as it will no longer have a large growth and there will be plenty of room for the task. Otherwise she always visits on a Sunday with her family, and we are not really allowed to do such noisy tasks on a Sunday – we live in a roman catholic area.

FOWC with Fandango: Roomy

5 thoughts on “FOWC with Fandango: Roomy

  1. Oh times have changed so much. It used to be that on Sundays we could hear lawnmowers and smell burning garden waste. Then restrictions came in on when you could make noise on a Sunday and now that shops open on a Sunday and people spend less time outside in small modern backyards, Sundays sound like any other day, and it’s rare to hear a mower.

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    • Growing up in England, it was no bother and we all did such work on Sunday when we had time. In Switzerland people are more fussy and are not so approving. It doesn’t bother me at all.


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