FOWC with Fandango: Panic

Sometimes I just wish that telephones were still like this. A nice clear dial with numbers, a speaker to hold in your hands and nothing with face recoignition or finger prints. Just dial the number and somewhere it will ring, or someone calls you so pick up the receiver and say hello.

However, this is no longer the case. Today I picked up a specially designed golden oldie phone for my other half. We are basically an iPhone family. It took time, but I have to love my iPhone. I pay all my bills with it, I have my memory helpers in it, and I take pictures with it. I did not choose to live life with a telephone as assistant, it chose me and I had no great choice. However, Mr. Swiss being 8 years older than me, modern life has caught up with him and after making his second iPhone kaput, I got him a golden oldie telephone today, much easier to operate apparently. However, I decided to keep it a day or two before handing it over, to fit it up with his few telephone nunbers. In the store where I got it the guy showed me how to put the numbers in the telephone, a piece of cake, so easy. However I am now at home and after a few hours did manage to put one number in the phone.

I still have not discovered how to correct my mistakes on the phone. Actually I have not discovered anything to help me. I really thought with persistance I would get the hang of this special golden oldie telephone with larger buttons. I will not give up, it must be possible. Oh how I wish my old telephone from the days gone by was still here. It had such a lovely colour, almost caramel. By the way the no. on the dial of our old telephone no longer exists, we now all have our own handy numbers, all transferable on a new phone on a sim card of course. I wrote my number on a card in my telephone case, as I tend to forget it. I am not yet tearing my hair out, have not taken any tranquilisers but I think it would be a good idea to go to bed now. Tomorrow is another day, and of course we do not want to panic, do we.

FOWC with Fandango: Panic