FOWC with Fandango: Survivor

This poinsettia is a survivor. Every year a neighbour gives me such a plant as a gift. As my birthday happens to be on St. Nicolaus Day, 6th December, it is a birthday gift for me. This plant arrived last year on 6th December and today it still has its wonderful red leaves, and even the green leaves. I only give it water when I notice that the earth is dry, and it seems to work. It is still thriving and surviving. I love this plant and hope it stays for the next couple of months when it should be warm enough to put it outside in the garden.

FOWC with Fandango: Survivor

11 thoughts on “FOWC with Fandango: Survivor

  1. I have one from last year that is healthy but didn’t get any red leaves this year. The two we bought for Christmas are also still alive. I want to try to get them to bloom again next Christmas but they have to be cut back and kept in the dark for 14 hours a day.

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