RDP Thursday: In my Room

Since living alone I have many rooms to spread in. When Mr. Swiss left I had to renew my life and living space, although gradually. Eventually the day came when I had to rethink my space, especially the bedroom that Mr. Swiss and I had shared for more than 50 years. It was now or never and a radical change was necessary. It was a final goodbye to our life together, we both being in an age that new beginngs were out of the question.

I decided on a bed a little more spacious and being a giant amongst women (height 1 Meter 75), chose a so-called box-spring bed which I literally climb into every night. The bedroom furniture was still in good condition, although I had to remove one corner cupboard. My mother-in-law’s rocking chair still had its place in the corner and as the electric plugs were in a stupid place, I got myself two new lamps that needed no electricity, I just have to upload them now and again. I still have the paintings on the wall that Mr. Swiss did. The nice thing about living ground floor is that I have the garden in front of the window. Otherswise this is now my room at night. I do not have many carpets, we have heated floor and I do not need them, cleaning is much easier without. I suppose not many people show their bedroom here, but at my age, who knows how long this room will exist.

RDP Thursday: In my room