RDP Wednesday: Worn

This is a Brownie Box Camera and it belonged to my mother. Apparently they were released in the year 1900, although I think she had this model “only” in 1930. She always like to take photos, but mainly family and holiday photos, nothing experimental. However, she brought this camera into the marriage and we were still using it in the 1950, it was still working. It now belongs to me, and is in a cupboard, but no longer a working model. However, something that no longer exists. Is it valuable? Some of them are, but not this one, there were too many of them at the time. I still have a few old photos taken with this camera.

This was one of them, showing me at the age of probably almost a year, with my mother. You can see that some light got into the edge of the photo, but not bad for a Brownie box. I remember putting our hand over the view finder to keep the sun out of the picture.

RDP Wednesday: Worn