RDP Sunday: Letter

I had many letters. At the time when I moved to Switzerland 55 years ago it was the only method of communication I had with my parents. We had no computers at that time and so you brought the pen to paper and wrote, although if I had a typewriter I would use it: much quicker and clearer.

However some letters are worth the pen and paper used to write them as in the photo here. My granmother grew up in the village of Sissinghurst in South England at Sissinghurst Castle. It was not a rich family, there were 11 sons and one daughter (my grandmother) and the boys all became farm labouriers, as was their father, my great grandfather. Grandmother worked in the diary at the castle. However, the owners of the castle were the famly Nicholson Sackville-West and my grandmother naturally knew them. Vita Sackville West became quite well known as a writer and garden designer: indeed she designed the gardens of Sissinghurst castle. She was married to Sir Harold Nicholson but also had a girlfriend which at the time was not so popular.

However, she did have contact with my grandmother, not close of course and we found this letterr in my grandmother’s belongings after she passed away. I also have a collection of the postcards that Vita mentioned in the letter that were sent to my grandmother.

I did actually visit the castle on one of my journeys to England, although today it is no longer in private ownership and belongs to the state.

This photo was from Sissinghurst, with my grandmother and one of her brothers at the front during the time of hop picking for the beer prodcution. The ladies seem to be quite well dressed for such work.

RDP Sunday: Letter