RDP Thursday: Serial Offender

Not quite a serial offender but here it is my new HP computer, everything organised like I wanted it, thanks to my computer guy. After almost ten years it was about time for a new computer and I am so glad. Even the keys work, which they no longer did on its predecessor. I am still getting used to it, Windows 11 is a little different, but I have that under control up to now. It is like a mystery tour at the moment, but I was determined to at least write my today’s blog on my new machine.

And here is a photo of Mr. Blackbird in my garden today. I also did a few exercises of uploading a photo and it worked. We had some snow now and again, but luckily we even get 1° temperatures in the afternoon which manages to melt a little.

And now I am off to relax after a my stress today. Tomorrow my computer guy is visiting again for a few small jobs and I am also getting a weekly delivery from my online groceries. Life is a little complicated at the moment, but it can only get better.

RDP Thursday: Serial Offender