RDP Tuesday: Dog

All my doggy photos are not my dog, because I never had a dog. Of course I wanted a dog as a child, but mum gave a definite NO. We lived in an old house with no bathroom and outside toilet and a small yard, not a place for a dog I suppose. Before I was born grandad did have a few chickens outside in the yard and even a duck that apparently swam in our blocked drain for the purpose. I did find a couple of old photos from the dog that grandad had once, but that was long gone before I arrived. Cats were always welcome. In those old houses there was a mouse problem, and mum was afraid of mice so the cat moved in, although I do not remember our Whisky cat actually getting a mouse, but mum was happy. And so i grew up dogless but not catless.

Today I am wihout my computer, although my Apple computer is still here. I usually write my blog on it. I got my new Windows computer after Christmas and now our computer has time to set it up. He took it away this morning, with my old computer, and I get it in two days fully equipped again. Of course I could set it up myself probably, but too complicated for my 77 year old brain today. At last a computer with keys that function and not falling apart at the seams. It will have Windows 11, which is fine by me.

And that is the news today from my part of the world. Two days without a computer, but I will survive I am sure. I even made my online weekly grocery order today on my iPad which worked quite well.

RDP Tuesday: Dog