Once upon a time there was a nearly golden oldie that was coming towards the end of her paid working life. She had married, her children were independent and the golden oldie had time on her hands and a computer. One day there was a flash-bang accompanied by a web assistant course and speaking many tongues, but none perfectly.

Blog! –“Who said that?” – but the golden oldie was only answered by silence. She then discovered that the word Blog originated from the phrase “Web log”. And the golden oldie began to blog.

Well it was not exactly like that, but it sounds good and somewhere along the line I began to blog. I write about anything and anyone. Sometimes I have a slanting look on things, perhaps inverting them, looking from the inside out, and seeing something that others do not see, because it simply is not there.

Meet the unknown side of life on my blog. My imagination goes on a walkabout and probes into the darkest corners, although I always take a box of matches to show some light on the matter.

We all come from different angles in this world. Our outlook on life varies, so I will not be pleasing all of the people all of the time, but look in and let me know what you think and I hope to please some of the people some of the time.

Warning: my humour can tend to be on the dark side, sometimes mostly ironic and do not believe everything I write, just most of it. Now and again I might even write a blog with serious contents, otherwise blog life would be boring.

Have fun on my blog, if the newspaper does not arrive, then just look in and read my blog, it is free.

112 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. Pingback: Your personal invitation to my 100th Blog Post Party! | Muddy River Muse

    • It’s the thought that counts, and very much appreciated. Pingbacks do no harm, and if you do not want them, then just a click in the right place and you never receive them. I very much noticed the difference when WordPress decided to knock them on the head. Thank goodness I rediscovered them.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that you linger on the dark side of humor, it is clearly the best place to linger 🙂
    Also I have been contacting my likers because I switched over to wordpress.com so that people can actually follow me in their feed and I am not sure who was on my original following list! If you were one you can now go to my page and click follow and if you were not please feel free to ignore me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Will pput my hiking boots on and go following – I was originally on Yahoo350, afterwards Multiply, but both collapsed. Then started on blogger which was a bit of a waste of time, and found WordPress, so here I am to stay I hope if they don’t throw me out.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I didn’t know where else to ask you this, so forgive me if I am in the wrong. You may have already been asked into the Blog Tour, but I will ask you again–would you like to join the Blog Tour? If so, let me know. And if you need any details, I’ll be happy to share. You have until June 16th to complete the request of answering 4 questions (1. What am I working on at the moment? 2. How does my work differ from others? 3. Why do I write what I do? 4. How does my writing process work?) and need to ask 3 other bloggers to do the same and they will follow up with their post and questions a week after you.
    Again, let me know.

    Liked by 2 people

      • I have been in search for what seems to be the mythical link! I cannot find a link for blog tour anywhere! I was told by sheenmeen, and she stated all the info I gave to you–no more.
        I am thinking that there isn’t one and that it is just hosted but some anonymous blogger. But you have until June 16 for me to try and find the link.
        I will be quick about it and tell you when I find out.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Hello Swiss blogster who once was a Cockney and now lives in the land of trains that run on time and fields that look from the air exactly like those sets you we used to play with as kids. That’s all I know about Switzerland, I only went there one day for a meeting. Now I live in Australia. There’s no connection between those two sentences. Thanks for visiting my blog, I look forward to exploring your dark humour

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi I’ve nominated you for a very inspiring blogger award – your work deserves it!
    If you will accept it, these are the rules…
    1) The nominee shall display the Very Inspiring Blogger Award logo on her/his blog, and link to the blog they got nominated from.
    2) The nominee shall nominate fifteen (15) bloggers she/he admires, by linking to their blogs and informing them about it.
    If you’re too busy to do all that I don’t blame you, and I hope you will just take it as a compliment to your efforts . See here: Life’s Journeys Unfolding http://meaningunfolding.wordpress.com/?p=976&preview=true

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Pingback: Liebster Award – and Honorable Mentions | OSuzyQuilts, Free-motion Quilting and Meanderings

  7. thank you for the likes on my dps 🙂 …still new to blogging and likes by experienced bloggers are definitely inspiring…didn’t know where to post this comment to convey my thanks…so here 🙂 ..take care..

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Dear Angloswiss, Thanks a lot for stopping at my blogs and liking them. 🙂 It’s a great encouragement for a newbie like me. I read your blogs and they are quite interesting. You seem to weave a story out of every daily prompt, however difficult it may be. Looking forward to your posts. Thanks again.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Liebster Award | Dirt Road

  10. Hi Pat, you have a very nice writing style and very nice pictures too of your cats. I wanted to thank you for the likes on my blog. I will always remember you all my life as you were the first person to gift me a like on my post, which was quite encouraging. Thank you so much. It is so nice to know about you and your achievements and also that you have been one of the experienced blogster here. Have a bright blessed day 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Pingback: Only One Requirement | Steps Times Two

  12. Pingback: Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award! | Amie Writes

  13. Let’s hope there will be more. But having said that I don’t have any from here! Mind you, I don’t like social media like Facebook and Twitter and that keeps me out of the loop sometimes. I had a bad experience with trolls on Twitter and have a horror of people from my childhood and early years coming out of the woodwork to discuss my former life!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Good morning! This is the first time I have visited your blog, but it won’t be the last. I too am a golden oldie, though I am still doing a little teaching. Switzerland is a country I have always longed to visit; don’t know if I will ever get there. One of the regrets from my uncommitted youth is that I didn’t travel to and stay for a while in Switzerland.
    Best wishes from Anne

    Liked by 2 people

      • LOL…. But, you like politics… I’m not sure vampires really care unless it’s for control of the nights!

        By the way, did you read The Discovery of Witches by Dinah Gibaldon (I misspelled her last name, but am close)? If you love stories like that and being transported back in time, you will love that series…

        Liked by 2 people

    • Thankyou for the invitation. I have seen this challenge which is very interesting for me. My problem is that I have so much online stuff I partake in, that I have to draw the line somewhere as unfortunately the day does not have enough hours. I do a few photographic challenges, but cannot partake in all, but thankyou for thinking of me.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Not a problem. I understand completely. I’ve kind of gotten caught up in all of these challenges & prompts to the point of not writing much of my random stuff. Which I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Good Morning Angloswiss, Thank you for your like on my post – appreciate it and the fact that it led me to your blog! Like you angles and how quickly I entered your world! Have a wonderful afternoon, and I hope the rain slows soon. Patrice

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Pingback: SHARE YOUR WORLD 2016 – WEEK # 17 | teleportingweena

  17. Hey Angloswiss,
    I have been following your blog for some time now. Your posts are definitely worth it! Occasionally, you like me posts and that gives me a lot of happiness- a person of your stature liking my little posts.

    Liked by 3 people

      • Hello and thanks for looking in. We all blog together and I usually look in on most of what is written time permitting. Switzerland is a small country, who who knows. At the moment I am here and there for various reasons, but I am sure I could make it possible.

        Liked by 2 people

  18. Thanks for recently visiting my blog. Looked at yours. It’s great to connect with others who are retired, love fiction, etc. and enjoy their writing. I’d love to visit Switzerland and England, all of Europe. Be blessed, and enjoy your retirement and writing. 🙂 (I am also retired, and love to write).

    Liked by 2 people

  19. I’m not sure how I found your site. I probably wandered in when I saw an attractive picture you posted, that reminded me of my one of my semi-yearly Swiss trips.
    And now with today’s post I discovered those pics weren’t just reminiscent of places I know; they ”are’ places I know, in Solothurn specifically (I’ve often jogged the Wissensteinstrasse pictured in the posts.)

    Thanks for the ‘daily slices’ of Swiss life, especially the pics.
    Memories, unique; Vistas, shared.


    Liked by 2 people

    • What a coincidence. I have been living in Solothurn for almost 50 years. We drive up the Weissensteinstr to get to our Migros supermarket in Langendorf. Photography is one of my hobbies and I always have a camera with me, so you will probably find photos of a few places you will recognize.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Actually my book is just a collection of various pieces I wrote for blogs, nothing special. I just wanted to go there and do it once in my life. I am not very good at giving opinions as I am not really qualified. I write just for the fun of it.

      Liked by 2 people

  20. Hi, love your blog and your unselfconscious way of writing. Would love to interview you for my blog for my series Lifestyle Design Heroes. I do not have your email address though so posting the interview request in the comments section.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. I just wanted to stop by and say hi! I’m assuming by Anglo Swiss you mean that you’re from an English-speaking country but live in Switzerland now? I’m the exact opposite – I was born and raised in Switzerland, but just spent a year in NYC and am planning on moving to London next. Thought it was a funny coincidence that I stumbled upon your blog.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Hello there! I’ve only read your “about” page but I’m pushing the follow button right now. I love it here! I will definitely come here anytime my newspaper does not arrive
    (I actually stopped taking take the paper – I only used it to wrap fish anyways) so I guess I’m here to stay. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Pingback: 3-2-1 Quote Me: Truth – Ruth Blogs Here

  24. A poetic intro about the beginning of your blogging:) I remember it well when my teen daughter said to my teen son, coming into the kitchen. “Mom has a blog. I’m falling off my chair!” That was before Pinterest and Instagram. Which I also started, but have found blogging much more interesting and rewarding!

    Liked by 1 person

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