RDP Friday: Shop


One of my sales people in the butcher’s department of the supermarket made me a very happy person today. Not Erika, the one in the photo, but she is representative for all of them, all wonderful people.

Last week I realised that Christmas for us, the big day, will be on a Monday, 24h December. This means that first of all we have a week-end of shopping to survive before the actual Chrismas hoidays begin and the shops will again close on 24th in the evening until 27th December. So how do I get my shopping with all the special goodies and keep it so long: no problem. I am not a Christmas person and there will be just me, Mr. Swiss and No. 1 son for the meals. There is a certain amount of planning to be done and have fresh and good food. I am not a person that freezes everything, I like to pick and choose my meat ready to eat when I buy it.

I timidly asked the butcher today if they are open for sales on 24th and he informed me, with such a reassuring happy smile, not only, but they will also be open on 23rd, which is a Sunday. This means that I can order my meat in December and pick it up fresh on 23rd to enable a good survival over Christmas. The guy was so friendly and helpful, so what could possibly go wrong. My Christmas food shopping is now organised.

Christmas shopping for gifts does not exist in the Angloswiss home. I do not celebrate Christmas as such and spending money just for the sake of buying something no longer exists. Of course, my one and only grandchild will have his gift, but at the age of 15 months he is the special one. I do not think he realises what Christmas is yet, he has not yet been inaugurated in the buying obligation. He was on a visit last week and I have a collection of soft toys, bunnies and dogs and all sorts. I found a strange little beetle with legs on a string and he pounced on it with exclamations of “yeah” in such a sweet voice that I realised it is not how big and grand the gift is, but the feeling it awakes in the child’s mind. He gripped it with his little fingers and proudly took it home, not letting go. They are the things that really give Christmas a meaning for me.

So where was I, yes shopping. The next step is make a list of the food I will need. I know what I will be cooking, nothing fancy, but good. Once a year you should spoil yourself.

British Shop

Today the only Christmas catalogue I bother with arrived in the post. After a quick look through I saw they are delivering British Christmas Puddings, so I will probably order one. Being a Brit a little tradition is still there and I am not making my own. I have got lazy in my gold oldie days and I will have a dessert for the Christmas meal.

Yes my shopping will be an organised thing, some online, but above all no stress.

RDP Friday: Shop

Creative Challenge #224 – Fool

Creative Challenge Fool

There I was sitting outside a furniture shop, just minding my business and watching the world go bye. You say how can a dummy, a fool, think when he is just a stuffed piece of material looking stupid. I had my hay day, the highpoint of my vegetating existence. There I was, up on the band wagon, doing my part in the carnival procession. One of the half naked beauties even took me in her arms and twirled me around. Admittedly my feet were dragging but everyone found it very amusing. I was the life and soul of the party. After the procession the shop keeper realised I was just the thing to show people outside his shop. Everyone was still in the mood, turning night into day, and carnival was still in full swing.

After the carnival, things quietened down and eventually I had a sad existence in a dark cellar, stuffed between some old armchairs and sofas, waiting for the day when it would be decided to dismantle my legs and arms, take off the head and reduce me to a pile of old rags and straw. Fate had another purpose for me and Big Fat Dave arrived at the furniture shop, looking for some second hand furniture for his shop in down town. There were no fine businesses in that part of town, everything was special offers or second hand, but Dave decided that I would suit the scene parked outside the grimy doors of his shop in front of the glass panes, which had not been cleaned for a few weeks, months, or perhaps even years.

At least I would still serve a purpose, although the public was not the same. Instead of gentlemen dressed in suits, with white shirts and ties, it was blue jeans and t-shirts. Some of the t-shirts looked even worse than than my clothes. And the girls, well they would have suited the carnival parade. Black varnish on the finger nails, died blue hair and even black lipstick. I suppose it was modern, but they even had earrings through their nose as well as the ear and more than one pair. My little basket that used to be filled with flowers in my old place was now a receptacle for cigarette butts and bus tickets. It was even used for a disposal unit for chewing gum, but I said nothing and Big Fat Dave would even dress me in some other clothes now and again, although jeans were not my thing and a t-shirt with a sort of tongue sticking out, some writing saying Rolling Stones.

Then there were the customers. Now Big Fat Dave did not seem to sell very much of his second hand junk, but he still had a lot of customers. Young people, dressed very shabby, with rips and holes in their clothes and very dirty. Not my sort of thing, but they would come to Dave’s shop and disappear into the back room. When they left they would be putting little pieces of paper in their trouser pockets containing some sort of poweder, rushing off, looking in all directions, as if they expected they were being followed. Some of them would be smoking a very peculiar brand of cigarette. There was not much difference in the smell of the tobacco and a cat’s liquid recycling system, if you get what I mean.

One thing must be said for Dave, he always put me in the shop behind the dirty windows in the evening or on Sunday when he was closed. At least I did not have to sit in the rain or snow or brace the cold winds, although I think he only did it so that he did not have to change my clothes too often.

Now and again he did have a visit from a sort of gentleman type. Not exactly the type you saw uptown, but he did have a tie on. Always dressed in a black suit, brilliant red silk tie and had lots of bling (I picked that word up from some of Dave’s customers, but I think it means jewellery). Nothing special, just gold and glittery. Dave always made a fuss of that man. After he left, the usual queue of down and outs arrived again, buying whatever they bought in Dave’s back room.

One dark Winter evening I was sitting in my place in front of the window when I heard a loud noise. Glass splitters surrounded me (one of the few times I was glad to be a stuffed fool with no feelings) and two of those scruffy youngsters were standing in the shop making their way to the back room. They seemed to be in a hurry and managed to knock me out of my wheelchair.

“Hey, Pete, be careful, we don’t want the old man to find his dummy on the floor.”

“Ok, Mick, no problem.”

and they picked me up and put me back in the chair. It was then that Big Fat Dave walked into the shop.

“What’s all this noise” he shouted “what do you think you are doing here?”

“What do you think Dave” one of the two boys called “where do you keep that sugar, in the back room?”

“None of your business boys, now clear out.”

“Or – you want to call the police Fat Dave? I don’t think so.”

It was then that Fat Dave took one of those second hand pokers in his hand from the shop and was going to hit one of the boys with it, but they managed to dive out of his way and gave him a push. Now Big Fat Dave was really fat, and I don’t think that is so healthy for the living units amongst us. He sort of gripped his chest and fell over. At the same time he caught his foot in my wheelchair which propelled me in the direction of the two youngsters, knocking them off their feet, one of them falling on some broken glass, and the other hitting his head on the shop counter.

So there I was, just sitting my chair watching, surrounded by Big Fat Dave, whose face seemed to have a very distant look, especially his eyes, one young man who seemed to have a very nasty cut on his throat (he was breathing very strangely) and another young man who was laying on the floor unconscious.

The next morning the police eventually arrived and saw the scene. Seemed there were two dead and one on the way. And me. I just sat there watching.

Of course, being a fool, things did not really make an impression on my straw filled head, although I had a problem. If the shop would now be closed, would I be demolished or just left to crumble away.

All things come to a good end. When the men from the council were clearing the shop one of them saw me and his eyes lit up.

“Now look at that dummy” he said. “I know just the place for him. Dress him up in some nice clean clothes, comb his hair and my kids will just love him.”

So where am I now? Sitting in a chair in a children’s room. I get dressed in something different every week. I even get fed (well not really, but the thought counts when those kids come with something nice for me) and they realise that I exist. Sometimes I have to ask myself, who is really the fool?