Good Morning

I awoke again to the sound of rain outside: nothing drastic, just a steady drizzle. Now it has stopped raining and the sun has appeared. I really do not understand our weather at the moment. I was surprised by the news from London, my home town. It seems for the first time I can remember that the town is under water. There are small streams in the streets flowing through the well known land marks and but London busses are not able to move further. Some hospitals are flooded and are having to refuse new patients. There have also been some new problems in Switzerland, but every new shower of rain can be a problem at the moment. We luckily live on a high level and the rain is not a problem in our area.

It is really amazing how quickly the weather can change. Just a little sun and five minutes later everything looks different.

I even saw a bird perched on a tree opposite. This has become quite rare. They are here but I do not see them so much. However, this little sparrow was not hiding. It is a photo from my telephone so a little blurred at the edges.

It is Monday, the beginning of a new week. Son No. 1 now has two weeks holiday. He used to go for two weeks to Italy on a special holiday for handicapped, but this has stopped for last few years due to the pandemic. His days of bathing daily in the sea and excursions to Venice are finished for the time being.

I am also spending my summer months now with the birds and the bees.

Yesterday the crows were flying again. They had a very noisy gathering and decided to take a flight.

I spent the afternoon outside on the porch yesterday with my computer. It was quite warm outside in the sun.

Otherwise I am just watching the apples grow. I have two trees and this year looks like a good harvest, at least 200 apples. I am going to be busy in autumn collecting them all and organising,

And I am now off for the daily routine. I have a bread I want to make and bake and a dinner to cook. As No. 1 son is at home dinner will be a little earlier, meaning my midday sleep will be earlier and I might even take the opportunity of going for a ride in the afternoon. Have a good beginning to the week and may it be a good one.

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