RDP Saturday: Foolish Things

I was on a visit to london a few years ago, actually it was my last visit. I was in a store and saw this. I would like to have had a better photo but did not want to get into difficulties if someone saw me. I also used to wear such instruments when I was younger for a modern hairstyle, but I must admit I did not wear them for everyone to see, but only at home.

RDP Saturday: Foolish Things

20 thoughts on “RDP Saturday: Foolish Things

  1. Rollers! Oh my–and I remember when they came out with foam hair rollers so you could sleep in them! Gosh, we were a pretty stylin’ bunch, weren’t we? 😆

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  2. Wow. Talk about ancient memories! I think I must have been in my early teens the last time I used rollers. I think that’s why I still wear my hair long. Every day is a good hair day and I never worry about rollers — or not getting a haircut.

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    • Certainly does bring back memories, especially for us golden oldies. I am gradually growing my hair. Lock down made it possible, but I am not there yet.


  3. When women wore rollers to the shops, they used to wear a scarf over them at least. Sometimes you need that last minute purchase for that big night out. Love it Pat, brings back memories of my Mum. Thanks for joining in 🙂 🙂

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