RDP Saturday: Festivities


This is my festivity today, a piece of cake purchased in the store yesterday. Actually there were two pieces bought, but I ate mine yesterday. This would be Mr. Swiss piece of cake, but he said one piece is just too much, so I helped him by eating half of it and leaving him the rest. It was a good deal as the cake is no longer and we are both happy with the outcome.

Otherwise the next festivity will be on Monday when Mr. Swiss celebrates 80 years of being a member of the human race. 80 years ago a baby was born in the village of Niederwil in Switzerland.

Niederwil 16.03 (4)

This is the actual house, although there is no plaque on the wall to prove it.

Niederwil 16.03 (2)

And here is the actual village.

It will be a usual quiet day, as both of us, being golden oldies, do not need any exceptional excitement.

RDP Saturday: Festivities

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