Good Morning


I thought it might be good morning until I got round to writing today. I decided to hug the bed a little longer. Afterwards had my laundry to put away, then opened all the blinds and a few windows, noticing that the cat used his recycling tray during the night. When all this was done I eventually got around to taking a few photos, mobile phone camera style, and at last prepared something for breakfast.


Just a few sliced of bread and honey and a cup of tea. How do you like my new cup? Some time ago two breakfast cups were dropped and broken – no names mentioned. At last the local store had something to suit my taste, so I bought two with the smily face to cheer me up in the morning, one with a blue inside and the other pink.

Today is not such a busy day, just the usual: no cleaning lady, no doctor’s appointments and just a little trip to the store in the afternoon. I could have gone somewhere yesterday afternoon but decided against it. It was so comfortable at home and I had to sort my new account online with the store for tanking gas. It is a special card, I get points for the gas used and the invoices are automatically booked from my account. I am computer literate, but this account got me and I had to phone their office. Now I am online and have everything under control. Of course, I did not have to fix this account, but I love having a challenge now and again to prove that I can still do it.


I was taking a photo of one of my hollyhocks this morning and found it had an intruder, so took his photo as well. One of our friendly earwigs decided to see what the hollyhock had to offer. Earwigs always seem to be roaming around in the garden, although not too many and everything under control. It is when they decide to explore my home that I am not so keen or when I suddenly have that cold creeping feeling on my hand or arm and notice that one is one is on its way.  I just leave them: kill one and two take its place so it is a losing battle and they make a good subject for a photo. My hollyhocks are not doing to well this year, but I blame that on the hot summer weather we have had – not the earwigs. The buds were drying out before opening. A few are opening now, but not as nice and big as I would like them to be.


However my guara is still flowering merrily, long stalks with flowers in all sorts of colours. I have white, pink and a mixture.


At last my basil herb is beginning to grow. I bought a pot (my third because the others died and dwindled either from slugs or cold). I was going to throw this one as well and then the hot sunny weather arrived and the slugs went underground and now it has had a chance to develop. Basil is more delicate than the other herbs, but my tomato salad with its leaves is now getting closer.

We had a bit of bother with our climate protection youngsters in Basel and Zürich in Switzerland a couple of days ago. On Monday they blocked the entrance to the main office of two of our Swiss banks with tables and other pieces of furniture and there were about 100 sitting in front of the bank and the banks could not open. They were protesting against certain investments the bank were doing, nothing new or abnormal.  The banks had to remain closed for half a day until the police removed the obstructions and put the people into prison.  I am all for climate protection, but I found this a bit of a stupid act which really brings nothing except for annoyance and preventing the course of business. Everything is now back to “normal” except for the protests of the demonstrators who have now been released from prison in the meanwhile. Even the Swiss have their little problems.

And now I must go, time is going and I have a few household chores to attend to. I hope you day is a good one. Here there is a light breeze which is cooling things down a little. I am glad, I feel more active than I did in the hot sweltering temperatures we were having over the last couple of weeks. And now I am off at last to leave you to your own thing.  Just take it easy, my place is ready outside, but I do not have so much time to use it.


8 thoughts on “Good Morning

  1. I do have some sympathy with the protesters. It seems that only drastic action makes big business pay attention. Something that might cause them to lose money. Of course, it is inconvenient for customers but the young people will have to live in the world we are making after we oldies are gone. Writing letters and signing petitions is good but hitting the hip pocket is probably more effective.

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  2. Good Morning. Again, I have a bit of catching up to do; but will do so later I did not get much sleep. There was quite a bit of commotion outside last night. I will be going to work now, and working in the landscape. I will be looking at some gaura today, to see if it needs to be groomed. We planted things that bloom at different times there, but that also means that they need to be groomed at different times. Another part of the landscape has oregano and some other sage growing wild in it. It looks and smells pretty, so it stays. There are a few native salvias that show up too, and if possible, I like to leave them for their aroma and pretty woodsy flowers.

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    • How interesting. My sage is now recovering a little from the burning of the sun and I now cover it during the day to protect it from the sun’s rays. I planted some oregano last week and it is coming nicely. Actually I did not want it because it gets a little boring, but I realised that my spaghetti sauce needed a bit of a wow effect.

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      • Oregano naturalized in part of the landscapes. We just let it grow wild. However, to keep it looking neat, we shear off the useful floral stalks before they develop the best flavor.

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