17 thoughts on “FOTD 20th February 2019: Montbretia

  1. I adore them – they are so undemanding and have such a joyful colour. And Montbretia look stunning in any flower arrangement, or even on their own. This is definitely NOT a weed!

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      • Well, if they were ‘just’ weeds, I would be more likely to get rid of them. In a weird sort of way, I rather like them. California is excellent, but really, There’s no place like home. I mean, If Switzerland were my home, I think that it would be the best place in the World to me. I happen to love Oklahoma, but only came back here because this is my home. It does not mean that I dislike Oklahoma at all.

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        • Switzerland is my adopted home. I am a Brit originally from London but have been living 50 years in Switzerland now (20 in London), so I suppose you could say that Switzerland has now become my home.

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          • It is enviable. I wish I could make another place my home. I would have left California a long time ago. Even though I am a native, I do not fit in with the crazy liberal lifestyle, or the million people who now live just in San Jose.


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