Good Morning

Alps 20.04 (2)

It is again a promising sunny morning and it looks like the pre summer weather is still with us. I managed to squeeze in an hour’s wheelie in my chair yesterday afternoon which surprised me as I did not think I would have the time. Even golden oldies have to plan their escapades. The cleaning lady arrived, and now I am happy. After years of battling with keeping things more or less tidy and clean I now have a help: no more bathroom, shower or kitchen cleaning. I am a lucky person. Of course cleaning is not free, but I had to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages, and discovered there were more advantages for a golden oldie.

As you approach the grey years, as least my hair does, you rethink situations. Last year our apartment block was completely renovated, nearly all decided it was something good. We did not. The work is now done and surprisingly did not cost as much as estimated. There are talks about further work in the next 20 years: one of the advantages of growing old, I suppose. I could not care less. They can cover everything in gold plate as far as I am concerned as I will not be paying for it, but those that come afterwards.  I have spent my complete life caring and thinking about the future and now I do not care any more. My cleaning lady is part of my new life. We both have a win-win situation.

Cows 20.04 (6)

And what shall we do today? I am still thinking about it, although you can only take so many photos and eventually there is no new subject material. The cows have returned and they are now in my photographic archives.

Saturdays used to be the beginning of the week-end, two free days in the week to do what you want to and when you want to. Even that pleasure has now disappeared in the golden oldie sunset, as you get free days every day. The problem is now rembering what the name of the day is. How often do we go shopping on Friday for the week-end and have a feeling that it is actually Saturday: another golden oldie problem. When you are two golden oldies, you might think that it helps, but not when both forget the same things. Another problem is that you do not know how you will feel the next day, until it arrives. If you manage to leave your bed in one piece it is an event worth celebrating. My next decision is whether to manage with a stick, or do I need my walker. Since I have a stick holder fitted on my walker, I can do both at once. I am trying to manage only with a stick, but walkers are so useful for transporting stuff like iPads and iPhones and even stuff from the fridge that you need on a working surface in the kitchen.

I have a new hobby actually. It is walker spotting. It is amazing how many golden oldies rely on them. In the supermarket you now have to clear space for them. It used to be the trolleys that were a disturbance in the supermarket, but now you have golden oldies with their walkers, including me, I am part of the team. Yesterday I went for a wheelie and noticed a golden oldie that arrived at the cemetery, with a walker. You see them everywhere, but one thing I must say. I do feel more safe and secure with one. A stick is good, but for shopping they are ideal. I can also balance on them whilst taking a photo and put stuff in them that I see on the shelves. Mr. Swiss has the trolley, I have the walker and together we are the perfect team.

So enough of the senior problems in life, I must now get into action, but with the stick. The walker would now be in the way. Make the most of the day and I hope you enjoy it. Here is a spring greeting from my walk yesterday.

Flowering Tree 20.04 (1)

12 thoughts on “Good Morning

    • It also used to be mine, but now it does not work so well, it is just a little too high and Mr. Swiss needs it for his support. At the moment we are the blind leading the blind.


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