Daily Prompt: Let it simmer

Pot  au feu on the boil

I like cooking simmering food, especially on Sunday. It fills the home with the smells of leek, carrot, celery, cabbage and meat juices and there is no stress. Boil water with some bouillon (meat extract), and when it is bubbling drop the meat into it and let is simmer for at least three hours. If you are up early enough it works wonderfully, because you can forget the whole thing until lunch time. Perhaps even catch up on the sleep you missed because you had to start simmering dinner.  Drop the cut veg into the pot half way through and the rest just … well, it simmers. There is a nice quiet relaxed Sunday morning with no bother about actually cooking, because it cooks itself.

Of course you have to peel and cook some potato towards the end of the simmering process, but that is quickly performed, especially if your cook your potatoes in the micro wave – which I tend to do. They need no water, just a sprinkling of salt and they cook in their own juices, but this is developing into a cooking blog which I realld did not intend.

Sometimes there are other reasons to simmer, just like now. I was simmering in sleep after lunch, oh it was wonderful. I had sunk into the depths and it was comfortable. Even the road machines that had suddenly appeared from nowhere making their soothing huming noises did not bother me. They were further afield and simmering on the road surfaces and I slept on. I awoke and decided to stop hugging the bed as there was a daily prompt to write.

After a midday sleep I like a treat, something to eat, something a bit different. The cupboard was almost bare, but I remembered my Ragusa – a small Swiss chocolate delight. It was some sort of celebration in the supermarket and they were giving them away. as a treat when you left the store, so we had two, one for me and one for Mr. Swiss: they were the mini versions.


I do not really like them. The have a chocolate covering and filled with a sort of fudge mixed with haselnuts. It is a Swiss thing, but if it is free then why not? However, if you keep it in the cold, the fridge, then they stay firm and cold and I can eat them. Mr. Swiss, being Swiss, eats them preferably at room temperature. So I put mine in the fridge and what Mr. Swiss did with his was none of my business. I decided today was the day. It had been simmering in the cold temperatures for at least a month. Unfortunately my Ragusa had disappeared, a victim of halloween, or who took it? It seems that he who will not be mentioned came, saw and took it. Surprisingly the other one, that which was kept in room temperature, still existed in the kitchen cupboard. After a few words of discontent, I replaced my missing eaten Ragusa in the fridge with that in the cupboard and will keep my eye on it. Of course I could not eat it today, as it must simmer in low temperatures for a while, because I only like them cold and not a soggy warm mass from the cupboard.

Even I can simmer now and again.

Daily Prompt: Let it simmer

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