Photo Challenge: Transient

Hollyhocks 21.06.2017

It is many years, more than 20, that we drive the same route at least three times a week to the supermarket in the village of Langendorf. We leave our small village of Feldbrunnen in Switzerland, and on the way pass through familiar streets and roads and see the same scenery through the town of Solothurn, changing only with the seasons.

The hollyhocks arrive every year in the same place at the same time. I see their first leaves some time in March and every week watch how they grow reconquering their spaces in front of the fence. Now it is time for their flowers. The owner of the house must have sown the seeds many years ago. Every year for a few months in summer we see the flower show. I even make a point of watching for them on the way to the supermarket. Transient flowers, but remain waiting for their next appearance every year.

Photo Challenge: Transient

6 thoughts on “Photo Challenge: Transient

  1. I love hollyhocks and planted them when we first moved here. For ten years, we had lots of hollyhocks, then one day, they ALL died. I never figured out what killed them. They are one of my favorite flowers.


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