Good Morning

Dawn over the renovation

Once there were roses flowering everywhere in June, now they have only become a small detail in the morning view. We can only celebrate sunrise over our own little private building site. At least we have silence on this side of the house at the moment, and can just hear the distant sound of a flame thrower somewhere on the facade heating up for the day. There was a little meeting of chef builders and one of us this morning. Unfortunately the “one of us” seems to have strange ideas, so who knows what has now been decided.

In the meanwhile life goes on. It will be a hot one today with 32° C temperatures so it will be a dark day inside, with shades closed and doors closed to keep the heat out and the dust and dirt from the builders as well.

I have some occupational therapy with cleaning the bathroom, although I did a little bit of preliminaries yesterday. There is no shopping to be done. and life is a little boring at the moment so I decided to take a look at Facebook and now am wondering why. The only interesting posting I found was from Simon’s Cat and that was a repeat as well.

Yesterday evening I found an interesting moth sitting on the ceiling so took a few photos. It was on the larger side, so it did not bother me so much. I do not like the smaller moths that look suspiciously like they want to lay eggs on food in the kitchen. I once had an invasion about 3 years ago and spent a complete summer killing their children, it was awful. The problem is there is no real deterrent. I can get sticky paper coated with female hormones which attracts the males to a sticky death, but the females live on. However without a man they can no longer produce offspring. The kids suddenly disappeared but then the moths arrived and we spent half a summer making a inspection daily with a swatter. Eventually they disappeared, we won, but learned something in the meanwhile. We live on the first floor and like open windows. I now do an inspection of the food cupboards weekly, although our invasion 3 years ago occurred with a forgotten mixture of salty nuts and biscuits in a drawer in the living room. Needless to say food is now banned from living room storage. I don’t mind spiders as they keep themselves to themselves. Even bugs are no problem, a footstep in the right place does wonders for their journey to the happy hunting grounds. Mr. Swiss takes care of earwigs and crane flies by transporting them back to the garden on a piece of paper. But I have a distinct disgust for moth babies. How can a mother have such ugly kids.

And now to move on. Enjoy the day.

Climbing Rose

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