Photo Challenge It is easy being green

Feldbrunnen 14.03 (18)

Although it is only the end of March, things are becoming quite green in our area in Switzerland. I live in the village of Feldbrunnen, at the foot of the first mountain range of the Jura mountains, which you can see in the background.

Last week the sun was shining, birds were singing and all that jazz and I went on a walking tour with my cane to the local castle Waldegg. It has been there since the 18th centuary and is surrounded by green throughout the Summer, only in Winter it can get a little white from ice and snow. This time I entered the castle, walked through the grounds,  and from the wall at the side took this photo looking down onto the surroundings. There was a tree in front of where I was taking the photo, but I decided it belonged there to give me a foreground to the background.

Photo Challenge:  It is easy being green

13 thoughts on “Photo Challenge It is easy being green

  1. We still have at least a few more weeks and probably two months until we see leaves on trees. But I have things from previous years. You have a lovely color there. It’s a cool green, not as yellow as ours.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s a fresh green, the first of the year. It gives you a great feeling after the winter. The forsythia is now flowering here and it will not be long until the cherry blossom catches up.


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-It-is-Easy-Being-Green – WoollyMuses

  3. Ich bin in Ersigen BE aufgewachsen und habe in meinen Spät-Teenage Jahren viele gute Stunden mit Kollegen aus Feldbrunnen verbracht. Wie lustig! Die Welt ist so klein! I just randomly clicked on a link in the Weekly Photo Challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Meine erste 2 Jahren in der Schweiz verbrachte ich in Zürich und nachher bin ich nach Solothurn. wo ich mein Mann kennlernte. Ich wohne jetzt seit 18 Jahren in Feldbrunnen es gefällt mich sehr. Ig cha au Schwietzerdutsch, aber nit so guet Schriebe 🙂


  4. Pingback: Easy Being Green: Start Up | What's (in) the picture?

  5. Pingback: Spring Time Amaryllis | Flower Of The Day 23rd March 2017 – Mick E Talbot Poems

  6. Pingback: GOOD LUCK

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