Daily Prompt: Singular Sensation

If one experience or life change results from you writing your blog, what would you like it to be?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us SINGULAR.

New in the Migros at last

I really had a singular sensation when I saw that our worldwide known local Swiss chain supermarket store, known as Migros was selling Lemon Curd. You do not know Lemon Curd? It is the spread for bread and butter. Forget your peanut butter and marmite; this is the be all and end all of bread spreads. Lightly flavoured with a hint of lemon, mixed with egg and sugar (there are even recipes on Internet) and up to now something only obtainable in other countries. I grew up with Lemon curd in England, have even made it myself as it is not obtainable in Switzerland. Now our Migros supermarket has been convinced it was the spread missing from its selection and we can buy it, even in our branch in the little town village of Langendorf, nesting at the foot of the Jura mountains.

But now to the serious stuff: “A life changing result from you writing your blog, what would you like to be?” It seems that the WordPress people are not regularly reading my daily blogs or my message has not yet got to them. Now and again Most of the time I am informing that I once wrote a book (there is a page available on my Blog Too Much Sunlight and Other Short Stories – just saying). I am also waiting for the day when the Pulitzer prize/Nobel literature scouts are looking for new prize winning material. It seems I have not made it clear enough, that I regard this WordPress Daily Prompt as the key to the door of recognition. The chance of a blogging lifetime. At the moment I am finishing my new novel “50 shades of Blogging”, although I heard that someone stole my title and adapted it to her own Blog book title. My version is naturally an answer to all adult blogging problems that may arise, an analysis of what to do and when to do it, and not even in grey, but black and white and all colours of the rainbow.

Nevertheless I will press on, undaunted, and continue my efforts. In the meanwhile here is another one of my prize winning photos, as the case may be.

Dragon fly on the pampas

A Dragon Fly taking five on a pampas grass

Daily Prompt: Singular Sensation

16 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Singular Sensation

  1. Pingback: Singular Sensation (Daily Prompt) | Mike, In Transition

  2. Yay! Lemon Curd!
    Oh, and once the Pulitzer people and others show up, I am willing to be interviewed to say “Ah, yes–I was one of her readers when she “only” had that first blog and book…” 😀


  3. Pingback: Will You Remember Me? | Cheri Speak

  4. Pingback: Being in contact with you | Vivir, que no es poco

  5. Pingback: A picture from Pamplona | Vivir, que no es poco

  6. Got to be honest – not a massive lemon curd fan. However, your ‘one thing’ is pretty similar to what mine would have been had I got around to writing yesterday’s daily prompt! I love your writing style 🙂


  7. Though my recommend won’t go too far in the way of making you famous, I wanted to thank you for posting about lemon curd. I’ve had a jar of lime curd in my pantry for months, not knowing what to do with it. Now, I do!
    And that picture is gorgeous.


  8. Pingback: Daily Prompt : Your Life, the book | Victoria.K.Gallagher

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